There are a number of blog posts available providing accounts and discussions of the recent JISCMRD 2011-13 Launch Workshop. I have provided links below.
I am very grateful to those of you who have posted accounts of the workshop as a whole or various sessions. A few gaps remain and I would be grateful to anyone who was in those sessions for sharing their notes, thoughts and responses. Please let me know if there are any I have overlooked – or any still in the pipeline.
DAY ONE – Thursday 1st December 2011
13.30-14.00 Introduction to the programme and the workshop (Simon Hodson)
An overview of the programme and strand objectives; timescales and key events; objectives and activities for the Launch Workshop.
Thorough and informative account of the opening session from Laura Molloy on the JISCMRD Evidence Gatherers’ blog:–-mk-02-is-go/
Pablo de Castro’s typically thorough and informative overview of Day One on the Sonex blog:
Marco Fabiani, Sustainable Management of Digital Music Research Data has provided a nice post covering the whole of day one:
14.00-15.00 Brian Kelly, ‘Blogging Practices To Support Project Work’ (Brian Kelly)
Overviews and materials from Brian’s session
Brian Kelly, ‘Blogging Practices to Support Project Work’:
Brian Kelly Slides:
Brian Kelly Trip Report: Blogging Practices Session at the JISC MRD Launch Event (#jiscmrd):
Brian Kelly’s Storify from the blogging session:
Summaries of this session:
MTG on Brian Kelly’s blogging tips and how the #kaptur_mrd project is planning to implement them:
Related to this session, efforts have been made to provide pull together JISCMRD blogs, tweeters etc.
JISCMRD02 Tweeters:!/briankelly/jiscmrd/members
Jez Cope’s Google Reader aggregated feed of #jiscmrd 2011-13 blogs:
See also Jez’s post on the Research360 blog:
(One was also put together, some time ago, by Linsay Wood of the Iridium Project – mea culpa for not having spotted this sooner…
Custom Google Search of #jiscmrd 2011-13 blogs:
Custom Google Search set up by Linsay Wood of the Iridium Project:
(See also the one set up as part of the DATUM for Health project looking over RDM Training Materials:
Brian’s session highlighted a number of points: apps for reading RSS feeds, the usefulness of applying analytics and the importance of having an explanatory page to laying out scope, purpose and approach for the blog.
Smartr For Following JISC MRD Project Twitter Links:
Bill Worthington on Blog Analytics:
Marco Fabiani, #smdmrd, has added a ‘blog policy’:
15.00-16.30 Parallel Sessions
1) DCC Tools:
DCC-run workshop giving introductions to and walk-throughs of various DCC tools; with time for discussion and sharing experiences.
Paul Stainthorpe, from the Orbital Project, has written up a really helpful summary of the session and the tools:
2) UMF Tools and Demos:
Introductions and demos from the JANET Brokerage, from Eduserv and from UMF Research Data Management Software as a Service Projects.
Pablo de Castro’s blog touches on the content of the UMF Tools and Demos session:
Marco Fabiani’s post, already mentioned above, provides a brief summary of this session:
Presentations will appear shortly on the JISC website. Has anyone else shared their thoughts on this session?
16.45-18.30 Poster Session and Networking
I shall publish a separate post with links to those posters that have been made available so far. Were there any particularly reactions to this session, important contacts made or ideas sparked?
DAY TWO – 2nd December 2011
09.00-10.30 Benefits Evidence Gathering in the JISC Managing Research Data Programme, 2011-13
This session looked at approaches for gathering evidence of benefits and impact which will be important for projects and the programme, both in making a case for investment in research data management and contributing towards project business cases. Simon Hodson introduced the session and provided an overview of the work in the previous programme and the role of the Programme Evidence Gatherers. Neil Beagrie gave a practical introduction to the KRDS Benefits Analysis Toolkit. Practical sessions encouraged projects to look in detail at the Benefits Framework Tool, the Value Chain Impacts Tool and consider what benefits the project is likely to generate and what evidence may be gathered.
All projects were asked to blog a first pass of the benefits which they felt they were most likely to achieve and the likely indicators, evidence and (where possible) metrics for these benefits.
Links to these posts will be provided at the Evidence Gatherers blog:
11.00-12.30 Thematic Parallel Sessions:
These sessions will focussed on lessons from the previous programme and related work in other institutions, which touches on a number of themes of relevance to the new projects:
A: Preparing a business case, development to service (June Finch, University of Manchester, MaDAM and MiSS Projects); identifying efficiency benefits, cost savings (James Wilson, University of Oxford, Sudamih, VIDaaS and DaMaRO Projects).
Bill Worthington from the #rdmtk_herts project has published a thorough and lively post on this session:–-thematic-session-on-business-case/
See also the overview post from James Wilson, #DaMaRO:
B: Identifying and supporting researcher requirements; supporting researcher needs; evaluation (Meik Poschen, University of Manchester, MaDAM and MiSS Projects; Jonathan Tedds, University of Leicester, HALOGEN and BRISSkit Projects).
See the excellent and thorough overview form Marie-Thérèse Gramstadt of #kaptur_mrd:
On this session in particular, but also the whole second day, see Marco Fabiani, #smdmrd:
C: Policy development (Robin Rice, University of Edinburgh and Miggie Pickton, University of Northampton); guidance and training materials (Sarah Jones, DCC; Laura Molloy, HATII, University of Glasgow)
Robin Rice’s presentation is available on Slideshare:
Did anyone undertake to blog this session?
D: Data management planning and meeting funder requirements (Julie McLeod, University of Northumberland; Mansur Darlington, University of Bath; Brian Hole, UCL).
The presentations and discussion in this session will focus on a) disciplinary challenges as uncovered in requirements analyses, previous work and to what extent these relate to funder requirements and/or other drivers; b) use and adaptation of the DCC’s DMP checklist and/or DMPonline as a starting point; and c) how to go about supporting the execution of the plan and turning it into practice.
Angus Whyte of the DCC has made a number of thoughtful points in his post ‘Elephant Invades Room at JISCMRD 2011-13 Programme Launch’, which offers a nice discussion of the need for context in data management for different disciplines:
See also, from one of the presenters, Julie McLeod, DATUM in Action, ‘Comments on JISC MRD 2011-13 Launch Meeting’:
Mansur Darlington’s presentation is available from the REDm-MED Project site:
And micro posts of relevance from Simon Kerridge, Cerif 4 Datasets on ‘datapapers’ and on Mansur Darlington’s delightful neologism ‘reusefulness’
13.30-15.00 Thematic Parallel Sessions
These thematic sessions were identified during the poster session and focussed on the following shared issues: projects taking a broad institutional approach, metadata strategies, projects concerned with health and life sciences, with engineering, with the arts and humanities.
The intention was that these sessions should come up with actions to be announced in the wrap-up (even if this is simply at the level of ‘this group will keep in touch and exchange news of progress’).
Institutional Approaches
Monica Duke of DCC has given us a useful summary of the lessons and tips shared in this session:
David Ford, #rdmtk_herts, noted those institutions which were present and taking a broad, institutional wide view of how to support RDM:
Biomedical and Health Cluster
Bill Worthington, busy chap, has again written up a summary of these discussions:
See also the post from Jonathan Tedds of the JISC/UMF BRISSkit Project (and also one of the JISCMRD Programme Evidence Gatherers):
Metadata Issues and Strategies
Louise Corti, from RD@Essex, who facilitated this discussion, has provided an overview with clear actions:
See also, the observations from Marco Fabiani, #smdmrd and Anna Clements, #cerif4data
Pablo de Castro’s overview on the SONEX blog provides details of the discussion and links to information about some of the metadata standards to be used by projects:
Engineering Cluster
Blog post on the Engineering Cluster from Graham Blyth of the Leeds RoaDMaP Project:
Arts and Humanities Cluster
In Oh, the humanities! A discussion about research data management for the Arts and Humanities disciplines Laura Molloy has provided a detailed account of this session on the #jiscmrd Evidence Gatherers’ blog.
General Overviews of the Workshop
There are also a couple of overviews of the workshop which are worth a look:
Jenni Crossley, UWE:
David Allen, Research 360, Bath:
One reply on “JISCMRD02 Launch Workshop – Links to Blog Posts”
[…] was a breakout group at the Programme Launch Workshop on metadata standards: for blogged accounts of this session, see […]