An important article has been published in Nature Biotechnology about the work of, a curated registry of data and metadata standards, databases and policies intended for a variety of users in the research space. FAIRsharing tracks the evolution of how these resources interrelate by working closely with research communities, standards creators and repository providers. […]

Realising the Potential, the final report of the Open Research Data Task Force (ORDTF), examines the opportunities presented though open research data. Better incentives for researchers and a user friendly shared infrastucture are key to kickstarting a revolution in sharing and making data open. The impetus behind sharing data meets demands for research integrity and […]
A Festival for Persistent Identifiers

Introduction “Open identifiers deserve their own festival” say the organisers of PIDapalooza and if you have any interest in Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) then this is the event for you. With a unique style roughly modelled on a music festival (nail painting and tattoos were optional), the focus is on discussions and questions in short, parallel […]
To follow-up my previous blog on the FAIR in practice work Jisc is taking on, I’d like to report back on a lively panel session on FAIR principles that took place as part of the Jisc Research Data Management event in York, on 28th June 2017. Expert panellists Cameron Neylon (Curtin University, Western Australia), Ingeborg […]
Welcome to my first blog for Jisc. You may know me (Bas Cordewener) in the role of Coordinator of the Knowledge Exchange initiative. As the responsible project manager I’d like to introduce a new piece of work Jisc is currently undertaking with the title FAIR in practice. FAIR principles To introduce what the FAIR principles […]