Market research for the research data shared service

As part of the research data shared service pilot project, we are running a market research exercise. What does this mean? Well, it can mean a number of things. Our main goal is to understand the current needs, requirements and the position of a variety of institutions that are not currently directly engaged as a […]

Research at Risk

Research data shared service – March meeting

Last week, around 40 representatives from research data shared service (rdss) pilot institutions participated in an rdss workshop. There were a number updates on the progress of the service: market research, costing, hiring, contracts, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), engagement strategies. And a few exercises: a temperature check on the project, brainstorming legal and business case […]

Research at Risk

What is everyone saying about research software?

Research software, as the name implies, is literally code written to solve a problem that a research team is facing. Most commonly, research teams try to automate some of their experiments or calculations using code. Sometimes these require a lot of knowledge and expertise and the teams may be looking for a research software engineer. […]

Research at Risk

Does my data look good in this?

A few weeks ago, UCA organised a workshop for all those interested in research data management in the creative arts. Amy Robinson reports back with a few takeaways and some useful links. Exploring research data management in the creative arts Booked up within a flash and oversubscribed, the Jisc-funded workshop, ‘Does my data look good […]


Electronic Lab Notebooks: Solutions for Paperless Research

Introduction For researchers working in labs the importance of recording experiments, results, workflows, etc in a notebook is engrained into you as a student. However, these paper-based solutions are not ideal when it comes to sharing and preservation. They pile on desks and shelves, vary in quality and often include printed data stuck in. To […]

Research at Risk

Making sense of journal data policies

From the Jord project onwards, Jisc have been aware of the difficulties that an unclear data policy presents when selecting a suitable journal for publication, and in complying with journal requirements once a journal has been selected. We have found that data policies are deeply idiosyncratic and often express similar ideas and processes in very […]

Research at Risk

Get involved again… co-design stage 2

Late last year we kicked off a co-design consultation to identify what big new ideas Jisc should focus on once we have completed our current R&D projects. That consultation focused on 6 possible challenges: What does the imminent arrival of the intelligent campus mean for universities and colleges? What should the next generation of digital […]

General Research Data Management Businesss Case

Metadata focus groups – report published

In the latter half of 2016, the Research Data Shared Service project commissioned a series of focus groups with the pilot institutions. Nicky Ferguson from Clax Ltd. joined Research Consulting to conduct these focus groups. Alongside wider data and cultural issues, Nicky concentrated specifically on metadata issues. The focus groups consisted of brief presentations, discussions, […]

Research at Risk

Collaboration and conversation at the 3rd Jisc Research Data Network Meeting

Arriving for the first time in St Andrews last Wednesday (on St Andrew’s Day!) for the research data network meeting I could see the town nestling off to the east as the taxi swung around to some modern buildings just off the main road. I was to spend the whole day in the excellent facilities […]

Research data blogs

Research Data Alliance (RDA) UK Workshop

Introduction At the beginning of this month we hosted our first Research Data Alliance meeting in the UK. The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a unique community-drive organisation of over 4,500 volunteers, over 44 organisations, from 115 countries, but with a shared interest to discuss and develop ‘data bridges’ to enable open data sharing across […]