Background At the end of 2016 we launched the latest co-design challenge. Two of the challenges had a research focus and aim to address some of the fundamental issues universities are facing with the advances of technology in research – Digital Skills for Research and Next Generation Research Environments. Following a period of consultation and […]
Tag: #vre
Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been promoting a consultation through various social media channels. We want the UK research and research support community to engage with the challenges for the future. These came out of previous consultation with the sector to develop a vision for Jisc. We want to have your ideas support […]

Co-design Launch 2016 This week sees the launch of Jisc’s latest co-design challenge (#codesign16), a consultation to find the next set of big ideas for technology in education and research. There are 6 challenges in total, derived from our recently released set of visions, and now we need the help of Jisc members and other […]