It’s a fact of (digital preservation) life that anyone attempting to implement digital preservation or actively engaged in digital preservation will experience problems—pain points. We here at Jisc can help relieve your pain! How? Well we have two core overlapping offers that address these digital preservation pain points, Advice & Guidance, and Consultancy. The former […]
Author: Paul Stokes
Paul has had a varied career in both the commercial sector and academia (and all points in-between). At present he leads on preservation for Jisc (and is currently referred to as a "Subject Matter Expert (Digital Preservation)"). He is a director of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and a director of the Open Preservation Foundation (OPF). He's been passionate about repositories and preservation for many decades and currently also has a number of bees in his bonnet regarding costs, carbon, value, sustainability, and storage.
At Jisc we recently set-up a digital preservation dynamic purchasing system (A DP DPS). Part of the process involved the creation of a “a core set of requirements…” to evaluate digital preservation systems against. In the process we came up against a number of profound questions (including “what is a digital preservation system”… …but that’s […]
Pain free Preservation

“It’s World Digital Preservation Day on the 7th of November John.” “Better write a blog then, Paul” “Ah. Okay.” Soooooo… What is it about preservation that so often makes it an afterthought when it comes to publishing data sets (for researchers at least)? These days, if you ask a researcher about FAIR, or open data, […]

Annemarie Eckes, a PhD student from Cambridge University, is one of the Jisc Research Data Champions. She’s also a Research Data Champion at Cambridge. She recently participated in the RDA EU-ENVRI summer school on data management and data science in Espoo, Finland. These are her reflections on the experience. Like most disciplines Environmental Sciences are […]
At a number of recent events I’ve had the privilege to attend—in particular PASIG NYC and iPRES—the magical incantation “We could/should use blockchain for this” has been uttered by speakers more than once (to the delight of those who play buzzword bingo at such affairs).. There was very much a feeling amongst some participants (at […]

Some of you may have noticed something called the Research Data Network1 being mention with increasing regularity by people in and around the world of Research Data Management. No doubt you’re wondering what it’s all about (you have indeed clicked into this blog which suggests a degree of curiosity). Hopefully this short piece will satisfy […]