
DMTpsych Training Materials Available from Jorum

Followers of this blog may be pleased to know that the training materials developed by the DMTpsych Project are now available in Jorum. These materials were originally developed by the DMTpsych Project, part of the training strand of the first Jisc Managing Research Data programme.  Richard Plant, who led this project went on to work […]


The Now and Future of Data Publishing, a symposium, 22 May 2013, Oxford, UK

In conjunction with a range of partners including BioSharing, DataONE, Dryad, the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, Wiley-Blackwell, and others, the Jisc Managing Research Data programme is organising a one-day symposium on The Now and Future of Data Publishing.  This landmark event will take place on 22 May 2013 at St. Anne’s […]


Components of Institutional Research Data Services Workshop: introductory and concluding presentations

On 24-25 October 2012, in partnership with the Digital Curation Centre’s Institutional Engagements, the JISC Managing Research Data Programme ran a two day workshop on the ‘Components of Institutional Research Data Services’.  The workshop functioned as an opportunity for JISCMRD projects, for institutions working with the DCC and for other ‘fellow travellers’ to share progress […]


RDM Projects in the JISC Transformations Programme

The JISC Transformations Programme aims to support institutions achieve large scale change in a number of areas by supporting the deployment of JISC and non-JISC resources.  In Strand B, which is concerned with improved efficiency and/or cost savings in meeting institutional missions, there are two projects concerned with supporting better management of research data. The […]


Research Data Management Training: five new JISCMRD projects

The overarching aim of this programme area is to contribute to an increase in research data management skills in UK higher education and research organisations.  This will be achieved by providing high quality training materials which will serve the needs of a variety of roles and stakeholders requiring research data management skills. There is a […]


Manage locally, discover (inter-)nationally: research data management lessons from Australia at OR2012

What to keep and why; how to support research data management through the lifecyle; and how to make the data citable, discoverable and reusable: these are core questions in research data management.  They are questions with both human and technical aspects.  These are the issues which Exeter is addressing through advocacy and training, its draft […]


Making the most of institutional data assets: Research Data Projects at OR2012 (Part 3…)

The issue of how to fund a research data management infrastructure on a sustainable basis while only partially relying on cost-recovery from grant funded research projects is a matter of concern for all JISCMRD projects and all institutions, including Open Exeter…  In relation to this issue, and others, Open Exeter is paying particular attention to how […]


Innovative Research Data Publication: three new JISCMRD projects

Arguments in favour of research data sharing stress the need for verification and reproducibility.  It is fundamental to the scientific method and to good research practice for other researchers to be able to test the evidence underpinning the hypotheses and interpretations presented in a given scholarly publication. In recognition of this a number of journals […]


Pulling it all Together: Research Data Projects at OR2012 (Part 2…)

Continuing a series of posts on research data issues at OR2012… Another theme over the week, picked up in Peter Burnhill’s closing summary, was the important of ‘linking research inputs and outputs’.  A number of JISC Managing Research Data projects are taking a holistic view, seeking to ensure the joined up exchange of information between […]


‘Data is now Mainstream’: Research Data Projects at OR2012 (Part 1…)

It has been remarked in a number of places that OR 2012 saw the arrival of research data in the repository world. In his account of his Edinburgh experience, Peter Sefton observed that we are now talking about Research Data Repositories, not just Institutional Publication Repositories   And Angus Whyte has described this as bringing […]