What to keep and why; how to support research data management through the lifecyle; and how to make the data citable, discoverable and reusable: these are core questions in research data management. They are questions with both human and technical aspects. These are the issues which Exeter is addressing through advocacy and training, its draft […]
The issue of how to fund a research data management infrastructure on a sustainable basis while only partially relying on cost-recovery from grant funded research projects is a matter of concern for all JISCMRD projects and all institutions, including Open Exeter… In relation to this issue, and others, Open Exeter is paying particular attention to how […]
Arguments in favour of research data sharing stress the need for verification and reproducibility. It is fundamental to the scientific method and to good research practice for other researchers to be able to test the evidence underpinning the hypotheses and interpretations presented in a given scholarly publication. In recognition of this a number of journals […]
Continuing a series of posts on research data issues at OR2012… Another theme over the week, picked up in Peter Burnhill’s closing summary, was the important of ‘linking research inputs and outputs’. A number of JISC Managing Research Data projects are taking a holistic view, seeking to ensure the joined up exchange of information between […]
It has been remarked in a number of places that OR 2012 saw the arrival of research data in the repository world. In his account of his Edinburgh experience, Peter Sefton observed that we are now talking about Research Data Repositories, not just Institutional Publication Repositories And Angus Whyte has described this as bringing […]
At Open Repositories 2012 the Digital Curation Centre and ICPSR (the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) organised a workshop to consider issues around the roles and responsibilities of institutional data repositories. Graham Pryor opened the workshop with an overview of the DCC’s programme of institutional engagements. The workshop featured three presentations relating to projects in the […]
Recent Presentations (and an absence…)
One of the casualties of my recent stay in hospital was my moustache, which – of late – had grown to impressive proportions. As the NHS does not employ barbers to keep the inmates kempt, the moustache became unruly and had to go. I do not pretend that my ‘lip-joy’ has not divided opinion – […]
Correcting a break…
I recently broke my leg: to be precise a lateral tibial plateau fracture, which required an operation, plates and pins to put back together. This means that until the end of August 2012, I shall be in a knee brace, unable to put weight on my right leg and moving around on crutches. The discomfort […]
On 12-13 March, in conjunction with DCC and the University of Leeds ROADMAP Project, the JISC Managing Research Data Programme held a workshop to examine challenges around developing institutional research data management policies. This is an important area of activity for projects in the JISCMRD Programme. All 17 large infrastructure projects are developing policies – […]
Presentations from the JISC Managing Research Data Programme workshop on data management planning – held on Friday 23 March – are now available. The event page on the JISC website provides links to presentations given by projects tasked to explore the challenges of designing and implementing data management plans for research projects or for departments […]