To follow-up my previous blog on the FAIR in practice work Jisc is taking on, I’d like to report back on a lively panel session on FAIR principles that took place as part of the Jisc Research Data Management event in York, on 28th June 2017. Expert panellists Cameron Neylon (Curtin University, Western Australia), Ingeborg […]

by Helen Kara We Research It Jisc is looking at how it can use the repository infrastructure currently being built for the research data shared service to meet use cases outside the traditional university institutional repository. In our first case we are working with the forensic science community to gather requirements for a research outputs […]

Last week I attended my first ARMA conference which took place in Liverpool. There hasn’t been a better time to bring together research support managers from across and outside of the UK to discuss and reflect on our role in driving the global research strategy. It was popping! The number of people, exhibitors, sponsors and […]
Welcome to my first blog for Jisc. You may know me (Bas Cordewener) in the role of Coordinator of the Knowledge Exchange initiative. As the responsible project manager I’d like to introduce a new piece of work Jisc is currently undertaking with the title FAIR in practice. FAIR principles To introduce what the FAIR principles […]

Over the past year, a remarkable range of events have taken place. Anything from the launch of the Concordat on Open Research Data, to the royal assent of the Higher Education and Research Bill most recently. In the meantime, we have been making strides on the Jisc research futures projects, both – the ones from […]

Within the research futures and digital resources directorates at Jisc, we spend a lot of our time liaising with university repository and library staff to discuss their priorities and needs for research support services and resources. However, university research support staff work don’t just work in the library or IT departments, but are instead spread […]
On Tuesday 25th April 2017 three facilitators and 21 experts met at the Centre for Life in Newcastle. Our aim was to discuss digital skills for research needs in the sector. In doing this we also wanted to help determine Jisc’s role in delivering skills training and support. There was a big spread of interested […]
The SSI Collaborations Workshop 2017

A couple of weeks ago, the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI) organised a 3-day long Collaborations Workshop for anyone and everyone, but mostly researchers, developers and software engineers that are interested in the implications of open data and the Internet of Things. We were pleased to sponsor a travel grant for a PhD student and the […]
We are really enjoying putting together the programme for our forthcoming Research Data Network event at the University of York in June. This is partly because so many great ideas for sessions are being submitted and it looks like it will be a varied and interesting two days. To register go to: So far on […]

Introduction Research data management, preservation and sustainability, are issues frequently discussed and is even the theme of this blog. However, data is just one, albeit extremely important, output of research and often the software that has been used to produce much of this data is overlooked. There is often a dependency between the two but, […]