(This blog is also available on the ARMA webpages) A year on from our successful hosting of an ARMA Study Tour at the Jisc London office, we were delighted to be able to host another event in 2020, albeit this time online. We certainly missed meeting everyone face to face and informal discussions over lunch, […]

Jisc’s mission is to enable people within the UK Higher Education, Further Education and Skills sectors to perform at the forefront of their practice by allowing them to fully exploit digital content and connectivity. As a former research manager now working at Jisc, I am aware that there is sometimes a lack of knowledge among […]

Last week I attended my first ARMA conference which took place in Liverpool. There hasn’t been a better time to bring together research support managers from across and outside of the UK to discuss and reflect on our role in driving the global research strategy. It was popping! The number of people, exhibitors, sponsors and […]

I was lucky enough to attend the ARMA (Association of Research Managers and Administrators) Conference early in June 2016. As a first-time delegate and speaker I was hugely impressed by the range and quality of presentations and, indeed, delegates. With 800 delegates and a packed, varied two-and-a-half day programme there was a lot to engage […]