Introduction In my previous post (Research analytics service: Defining the problems and refining potential solutions) I gave an overview of the project, some background to research analytics at Jisc, and details on the discovery phase for a Research Analytics Service. In this post I’m going to update you on the progress made in the first […]

On 22nd May 2019, members of the Jisc Open Research Hub team held a webinar which presented a set of design options around the assigning of more than one licence or access type to a repository deposit. The aim was to get feedback to help the design team decide which approach to develop. Although the webinar […]
Introduction Jisc members are increasingly looking at the opportunities of using data to inform their planning and the way they pursue their own diverse missions. At Jisc, we’ve been looking at the potential of analytics services related to research that can support universities in making better decisions. In a recent blog post – Jisc, research […]
Going off-road

How the Jisc Open Research Hub team uses iteration and minimum viable features to keep the service agile in a rapidly changing environment What’s more annoying than setting off on a journey and getting lost? Setting off on a journey with a map and still getting lost… When there are many possible ways to get […]

Our guest blogger, Andrea Chiarelli from Research Consulting, outlines what we heard from the Jisc RDM Toolkit working group, at a meeting held in London on April 8th. A recent survey by the European University Association showed that almost 40% of universities in their sample lacked research data management (RDM) policies and were not in […]
An important article has been published in Nature Biotechnology about the work of, a curated registry of data and metadata standards, databases and policies intended for a variety of users in the research space. FAIRsharing tracks the evolution of how these resources interrelate by working closely with research communities, standards creators and repository providers. […]

To keep or not to keep? That is the question posed in a new report produced by Neil Beagrie, What to Keep: A Jisc research data study. With growing volumes and diversity of research data, the issue of what to keep has been growing in significance. Who is the study for? The research carried out […]

Realising the Potential, the final report of the Open Research Data Task Force (ORDTF), examines the opportunities presented though open research data. Better incentives for researchers and a user friendly shared infrastucture are key to kickstarting a revolution in sharing and making data open. The impetus behind sharing data meets demands for research integrity and […]

The Internet of things covers everything connected to the internet, but increasingly it is used to define objects that can connect, interact and exchange data, or “talk” to each other. The Internet of things is made up of devices from simple sensors to smartphones to vehicles and equipment connected together. In an academic context it […]

Analytics Labs is an exciting research environment within which we co-design new data derived products and services with our members and other customers. Labs focus on the burning issues facing the higher education sector, and the service is offered free to Jisc and HESA members. This post focuses in on an opportunity to get involved […]