By Andrea Chiarelli, Rob Johnson and Ian Carter In the context of the Jisc Research Analytics project, Research Consulting and Carter Research Navigation have been engaging universities, funders and technology providers to investigate views around a grant application analytics service leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and text and data mining (TDM) techniques. We used a mix […]
Tag: Analytics

Jisc’s mission is to enable people within the UK Higher Education, Further Education and Skills sectors to perform at the forefront of their practice by allowing them to fully exploit digital content and connectivity. As a former research manager now working at Jisc, I am aware that there is sometimes a lack of knowledge among […]
Introduction In my previous post (Research analytics service: Defining the problems and refining potential solutions) I gave an overview of the project, some background to research analytics at Jisc, and details on the discovery phase for a Research Analytics Service. In this post I’m going to update you on the progress made in the first […]
Introduction Jisc members are increasingly looking at the opportunities of using data to inform their planning and the way they pursue their own diverse missions. At Jisc, we’ve been looking at the potential of analytics services related to research that can support universities in making better decisions. In a recent blog post – Jisc, research […]

Analytics Labs is an exciting research environment within which we co-design new data derived products and services with our members and other customers. Labs focus on the burning issues facing the higher education sector, and the service is offered free to Jisc and HESA members. This post focuses in on an opportunity to get involved […]