(This blog is also available on the ARMA webpages) A year on from our successful hosting of an ARMA Study Tour at the Jisc London office, we were delighted to be able to host another event in 2020, albeit this time online. We certainly missed meeting everyone face to face and informal discussions over lunch, […]
Tag: digital skills

Jisc’s mission is to enable people within the UK Higher Education, Further Education and Skills sectors to perform at the forefront of their practice by allowing them to fully exploit digital content and connectivity. As a former research manager now working at Jisc, I am aware that there is sometimes a lack of knowledge among […]

Andrea Chiarelli (from Research Consulting Ltd) updates us on progress with the development of the Jisc RDM toolkit, and asks whether you will use it in future. On December 5th, 2017, I attended the open access (OA) community workshop organised by Jisc in York. Hosted across the street from Clifford Tower, the event discussed some […]
A Swiss Army Knife for RDM

Andrea Chiarelli works at Research Consulting Ltd, who won a competitive tender to build a research data management toolkit for Jisc. Here he describes the project in a little more detail for us, and sets up a call to action to the research data community. Where do you go to find information on research data […]
On Tuesday 25th April 2017 three facilitators and 21 experts met at the Centre for Life in Newcastle. Our aim was to discuss digital skills for research needs in the sector. In doing this we also wanted to help determine Jisc’s role in delivering skills training and support. There was a big spread of interested […]

Late last year we kicked off a co-design consultation to identify what big new ideas Jisc should focus on once we have completed our current R&D projects. That consultation focused on 6 possible challenges: What does the imminent arrival of the intelligent campus mean for universities and colleges? What should the next generation of digital […]

Co-design Launch 2016 This week sees the launch of Jisc’s latest co-design challenge (#codesign16), a consultation to find the next set of big ideas for technology in education and research. There are 6 challenges in total, derived from our recently released set of visions, and now we need the help of Jisc members and other […]