General Research Data Management Businesss Case

Digital Preservation to the Core

At Jisc we recently set-up a digital preservation dynamic purchasing system (A DP DPS). Part of the process involved the creation of a “a core set of requirements…” to evaluate digital preservation systems against. In the process we came up against a number of profound questions (including “what is a digital preservation system”… …but that’s […]

General Research data blogs

Promoting an inclusive market place with the Research Repositories Dynamic Purchasing System

The institutional procurement process can be tough for smaller repository suppliers. The Research Repositories Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) gives all types of repository suppliers visibility in the market place and a mechanism to respond to opportunities that reduces bureaucracy for them and for prospective purchasers.  Challenging Tender Process The recent experience of 4TU.ResearchData in procuring […]

Research at Risk

Four rising areas of concern in research data management

Our guest blogger, Andrea Chiarelli from Research Consulting, outlines what we heard from the Jisc RDM Toolkit working group, at a meeting held in London on April 8th. A recent survey by the European University Association showed that almost 40% of universities in their sample lacked research data management (RDM) policies and were not in […]

Research at Risk

Research data: To keep or not to keep?

To keep or not to keep? That is the question posed in a new report produced by Neil Beagrie, What to Keep: A Jisc research data study. With growing volumes and diversity of research data, the issue of what to keep has been growing in significance. Who is the study for? The research carried out […]

General Research data blogs Research Data Discovery Service Research Data Management Businesss Case

The Jisc RDSS project: looking back, moving forward

The Jisc Research Data Shared Service (RDSS) project team spent the first part of this year visiting different parts of the country (and world) to provide updates on the RDSS project. It therefore seems timely to also provide an update on the project on our blog. Looking back At the end of Alpha development in […]

Research at Risk

Crossing the finish line? The release of the Jisc RDM toolkit

Andrea Chiarelli outlines the rewarding experience of creating the new Jisc Research Data Management (RDM) toolkit, but leaves open the invitation to improve it. We have collaborated with the Jisc steering group, RDM practitioners, UX experts, developers and more to build what we believe is a very useful resource for the research community. How we […]


A Festival for Persistent Identifiers

Introduction “Open identifiers deserve their own festival” say the organisers of PIDapalooza and if you have any interest in Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) then this is the event for you. With a unique style roughly modelled on a music festival (nail painting and tattoos were optional), the focus is on discussions and questions in short, parallel […]

Research at Risk Research Data Management Businesss Case Research data metrics

FAIR in Practice, a reality check indeed!

To follow-up my previous blog on the FAIR in practice work Jisc is taking on, I’d like to report back on a lively panel session on FAIR principles that took place as part of the Jisc Research Data Management event in York, on 28th June 2017. Expert panellists Cameron Neylon (Curtin University, Western Australia), Ingeborg […]

Research at Risk

Research data shared service – March meeting

Last week, around 40 representatives from research data shared service (rdss) pilot institutions participated in an rdss workshop. There were a number updates on the progress of the service: market research, costing, hiring, contracts, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), engagement strategies. And a few exercises: a temperature check on the project, brainstorming legal and business case […]

Research at Risk

Research data spring showcase

Two years ago we launched the research data spring initiative. It has been challenging but a most exciting experience. From 70 ideas, and together with a group of brilliant and committed people, we worked and developed 16 projects. In the last phase, the teams have developed and enhanced 6 different tools to help researchers and […]