Research at Risk

Research Data Metadata Workshop

On the 7th July Jisc hosted an event to discuss Research Data Metadata with the broad aim to begin the path to gaining community consensus around a discipline neutral metadata specification that would be compatible with multiple research systems. There were just under 40 attendees from institutions and research system providers. The event was a […]

Research at Risk

Research Data Metadata

In this blog post John Kaye outlines the aims, objectives and content for a Jisc hosted Research Data Metadata event to be held in London on Tuesday 7th July. There are a few places available – if you’re interested, register here for the metadata workshop. During the consultation for Jisc’s Research at Risk challenge area […]

Lancaster University guest post: workshop of 4 research data spring projects

On 22nd June 2015, Lancaster University hosted a workshop titled “Research Data Management – solutions for your needs”. Originally planned as a smaller meeting to get mid-project feedback for our research data spring project DMAOnline (Data Management Administration Online) we received so much interest that we organised a bigger half-day workshop. We were joined by […]

Research at Risk

Activities, solutions and experiences within UK universities to meet the EPSRC research data policy

by Monica Duke DCC, Jonathan Rans, DCC and Verena Weigert, Jisc With a view to sharing solutions and lessons learned across the higher education sector we have examined activities and experiences within four UK universities – the University of East London, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Leeds and the University of St Andrews […]

Research data spring – two months update

From a joint workshop among 5 projects to employing an online brainstorming application called, the research data spring project teams have been applying creative ways to engage their communities. If you wonder what else they have been up to, see the short updates below. And if you would like to participate at the London sandpit workshop on 13-14 July, please get in […]

British Library guest post: DOIs at research data spring

The UK DataCite DOI specialists Rachael Kotarski and Stephen Andrews joined us at the first research data spring workshop back in February along with all the idea enthusiasts and research data management experts. They got involved with a number of projects that are trying to integrate DOIs and other persistent identifiers within the research data […]

Research data spring – how are the projects coming along?

The research data spring teams have been working tirelessly over the past month to progress on the projects. And we wanted to share with you what they have done so far and what you should be excited about over the next two months, before our second sandpit workshop. The workshop will take place on 13-14 July […]

ORCID guest post: unique and persistent identifiers and research data spring

The first research data spring workshop has seen a number of experts from different areas of the research data lifecycle coming together. But what are their thoughts now and how will they continue working with the projects in the coming months? We wanted to share these with you in a series of guest blog posts. […]

UK Data Service guest post: providing access to sensitive data – using the 5 Safes

The management of sensitive data is becoming a common concern across research disciplines and institutions within the UK. This has been clearly demonstrated by the many discussions arising on this subject, as well as a few of the proposals submitted to research data spring (managing sensitive data, information governance for clinical research studies, AMASED: Access […]

Research Data Spring – how did we do?

The first phase of research data spring concluded last week. We have received an incredible number of ideas and have been busy reviewing them. We are really excited about your dedication and the smart solutions that you have identified. In a nutshell, out of 70 ideas posted, 42 of the authors are looking for collaborators, […]