Research at Risk Research data blogs

Finding out what researchers really, really want from a research data shared service

 By Rob Johnson, Research Consulting ‘So tell me what you want, what you really, really want’ sang the Spice Girls back in 1996. I’m pretty sure they didn’t have research data in mind at the time, but 20 years on we’ve been asking the same question of researchers in relation to Jisc’s research data shared service (RDSS). The […]

Research at Risk

Research Data Network meeting full agenda

Next week about 100 delegates are descending on the University of St Andrews to attend the third Jisc Research Data Network event.  The aim of these events is to bring together people in the higher education sector to exchange knowledge around the practical implementation of research data management (RDM).  Attendees are expected from 28 different […]

Research at Risk

Research data in the creative and performing arts

Around this time last year, I started to consciously collect research data while I was creating the pieces for my first UK art exhibition. Having done some work in biochemistry and quite familiar with the concept of scientific research data, I took this as a challenge. I was overly optimistic about my experience and really […]

#codesign16 Research at Risk

Addressing the digital research skills challenge using social media

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been promoting a consultation through various social media channels. We want the UK research and research support community to engage with the challenges for the future. These came out of previous consultation with the sector to develop a vision for Jisc. We want to have your ideas support […]

Research at Risk

Can blockchain be applied to Research Data Management?

At a number of recent events I’ve had the privilege to attend—in particular PASIG NYC and iPRES—the magical incantation “We could/should use blockchain for this” has been uttered by speakers more than once (to the delight of those who play buzzword bingo at such affairs)..  There was very much a feeling amongst some participants (at […]

Research at Risk

PASIG NYC: the other side of preservation from the other side of the pond

Last week, Paul Stokes and I were lucky enough to attend the PASIG conference in New York City. Beside it being hosted by the greatest Museum of Modern Art (I am definitely biased and recommend 5th Floor!), it was packed with delegates and information. Almost 300 people attended to listen and engage in 3 days […]

General Research at Risk Research Data Discovery Service

Google has a role to play in the evolution of research data discovery

It’s been an interesting couple of months on the research data discovery front. As phase 2 of the Jisc UK Research Data Discovery Service project draws to a close and we take stock of progress made and lessons learnt, two announcements – one at the recent Research Data Alliance 8th Plenary, and one from Google […]


How would you solve the research challenges of the future?

Co-design Launch 2016 This week sees the launch of Jisc’s latest co-design challenge (#codesign16), a consultation to find the next set of big ideas for technology in education and research. There are 6 challenges in total, derived from our recently released set of visions, and now we need the help of Jisc members and other […]

Research at Risk research data spring

3 events for research data enthusiasts

Every autumn and spring is packed with a range of events, conferences and seminars. Which ones should you go to and how to keep track of them all, that is the question. We have picked 3 for you that are happening this autumn, in an ultra-biased way because we are organising these: 1. Research Data […]

research data spring

Humanising data: an artist’s perspective

One of the research data spring projects, Artivity, is looking at new ways in which we can help artists not only improve their practice by automatically recording the steps they take in creating the chef d’oeuvre, but also collect and share the artistic ‘research data’. In this blog post, Gino Ballantyne, an established artist and […]