Research at Risk

Opening to develop a research themed Analytics Lab

Analytics Labs is an exciting research environment within which we co-design new data derived products and services with our members and other customers. Labs focus on the burning issues facing the higher education sector, and the service is offered free to Jisc and HESA members. This post focuses in on an opportunity to get involved […]

Events General Research data blogs

Balancing theory and practice in research data management – innovation and opportunity in the Dublin Core community

(this blog post is co-written by Monica Duke and Leo Mack) The recent DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) conference in Porto was collocated with the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), which gave the programme a rich mix of theory and practice. Many of the discussed topics had specific resonance with our current work at Jisc. Therefore, the conference […]

Next Generation Research Environments – recommendations and next steps

Background At the end of 2016 we launched the latest co-design challenge. Two of the challenges had a research focus and aim to address some of the fundamental issues universities are facing with the advances of technology in research – Digital Skills for Research and Next Generation Research Environments. Following a period of consultation and […]

Research at Risk

Gathering effective advice on digital skills for research – our co-design workshop outcomes

On Tuesday 25th April 2017 three facilitators and 21 experts met at the Centre for Life in Newcastle. Our aim was to discuss digital skills for research needs in the sector. In doing this we also wanted to help determine Jisc’s role in delivering skills training and support. There was a big spread of interested […]

How would you solve the research challenges of the future?

Co-design Launch 2016 This week sees the launch of Jisc’s latest co-design challenge (#codesign16), a consultation to find the next set of big ideas for technology in education and research. There are 6 challenges in total, derived from our recently released set of visions, and now we need the help of Jisc members and other […]