Introduction For researchers working in labs the importance of recording experiments, results, workflows, etc in a notebook is engrained into you as a student. However, these paper-based solutions are not ideal when it comes to sharing and preservation. They pile on desks and shelves, vary in quality and often include printed data stuck in. To […]
Tag: research
It’s been an interesting couple of months on the research data discovery front. As phase 2 of the Jisc UK Research Data Discovery Service project draws to a close and we take stock of progress made and lessons learnt, two announcements – one at the recent Research Data Alliance 8th Plenary, and one from Google […]

Co-design Launch 2016 This week sees the launch of Jisc’s latest co-design challenge (#codesign16), a consultation to find the next set of big ideas for technology in education and research. There are 6 challenges in total, derived from our recently released set of visions, and now we need the help of Jisc members and other […]

On the 2 November 2016, Jisc and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) will host their first joint workshop in Birmingham, UK. At the event topics include how to engage with the RDA, practical uses of RDA outputs, and discussions with groups working on Certification of Digital Repositories, Metadata Standards, Data Citation and Publishing Data. This […]

CRIS systems going national and providing new avenues for research into research management Tamsin Burland, our research subject specialist reports on the CRIS2016 conference, where she delivered a session. The ‘CRIS2016’ conference, organised by euroCRIS, was held 8th -10th June at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. This is a biennial conference focussed on […]
Social Media Data in Research

An ESRC convened group looking at Big Data, in particular new forms of data such as social media data, led by Dave De Roure (Oxford e-Research Centre) is studying the use of social media for social research. A survey has recently been launched in order to help the group to learn more about how the […]