The institutional procurement process can be tough for smaller repository suppliers. The Research Repositories Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) gives all types of repository suppliers visibility in the market place and a mechanism to respond to opportunities that reduces bureaucracy for them and for prospective purchasers. Challenging Tender Process The recent experience of 4TU.ResearchData in procuring […]
Category: Research data blogs

Jisc’s mission is to enable people within the UK Higher Education, Further Education and Skills sectors to perform at the forefront of their practice by allowing them to fully exploit digital content and connectivity. As a former research manager now working at Jisc, I am aware that there is sometimes a lack of knowledge among […]

On 22nd May 2019, members of the Jisc Open Research Hub team held a webinar which presented a set of design options around the assigning of more than one licence or access type to a repository deposit. The aim was to get feedback to help the design team decide which approach to develop. Although the webinar […]
An important article has been published in Nature Biotechnology about the work of, a curated registry of data and metadata standards, databases and policies intended for a variety of users in the research space. FAIRsharing tracks the evolution of how these resources interrelate by working closely with research communities, standards creators and repository providers. […]
(this blog post is co-written by Monica Duke and Leo Mack) The recent DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) conference in Porto was collocated with the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), which gave the programme a rich mix of theory and practice. Many of the discussed topics had specific resonance with our current work at Jisc. Therefore, the conference […]

The Jisc Research Data Shared Service (RDSS) project team spent the first part of this year visiting different parts of the country (and world) to provide updates on the RDSS project. It therefore seems timely to also provide an update on the project on our blog. Looking back At the end of Alpha development in […]
by Helen Kara We Research It Jisc is looking at how it can use the repository infrastructure currently being built for the research data shared service to meet use cases outside the traditional university institutional repository. In our first case we are working with the forensic science community to gather requirements for a research outputs repository for undergraduate […]

by Helen Kara We Research It Jisc is looking at how it can use the repository infrastructure currently being built for the research data shared service to meet use cases outside the traditional university institutional repository. In our first case we are working with the forensic science community to gather requirements for a research outputs […]

Introduction At the beginning of this month we hosted our first Research Data Alliance meeting in the UK. The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a unique community-drive organisation of over 4,500 volunteers, over 44 organisations, from 115 countries, but with a shared interest to discuss and develop ‘data bridges’ to enable open data sharing across […]

By Rob Johnson, Research Consulting ‘So tell me what you want, what you really, really want’ sang the Spice Girls back in 1996. I’m pretty sure they didn’t have research data in mind at the time, but 20 years on we’ve been asking the same question of researchers in relation to Jisc’s research data shared service (RDSS). The […]