At Jisc we recently set-up a digital preservation dynamic purchasing system (A DP DPS). Part of the process involved the creation of a “a core set of requirements…” to evaluate digital preservation systems against. In the process we came up against a number of profound questions (including “what is a digital preservation system”… …but that’s […]
Tag: research data management
The institutional procurement process can be tough for smaller repository suppliers. The Research Repositories Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) gives all types of repository suppliers visibility in the market place and a mechanism to respond to opportunities that reduces bureaucracy for them and for prospective purchasers. Challenging Tender Process The recent experience of 4TU.ResearchData in procuring […]
Jisc are pleased to announce the launch of the Research Repositories Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). The DPS is a framework that provides a light touch route for Jisc members to procure repository services. The DPS was created following feedback from the UK research sector and Jisc members about difficulties of procuring repository services, and the […]

Jisc’s mission is to enable people within the UK Higher Education, Further Education and Skills sectors to perform at the forefront of their practice by allowing them to fully exploit digital content and connectivity. As a former research manager now working at Jisc, I am aware that there is sometimes a lack of knowledge among […]

Our guest blogger, Andrea Chiarelli from Research Consulting, outlines what we heard from the Jisc RDM Toolkit working group, at a meeting held in London on April 8th. A recent survey by the European University Association showed that almost 40% of universities in their sample lacked research data management (RDM) policies and were not in […]
The argument for unique, persistent and open persistent identifiers is one that is strong and difficult to argue against, particularly in the world of research when trying to link all the disparate research outputs to the research lifecycle. An example of such an identifier, and one that has proved to be successful, is the ORCID […]

The Jisc Research Data Shared Service (RDSS) project team spent the first part of this year visiting different parts of the country (and world) to provide updates on the RDSS project. It therefore seems timely to also provide an update on the project on our blog. Looking back At the end of Alpha development in […]

Andrea Chiarelli outlines the rewarding experience of creating the new Jisc Research Data Management (RDM) toolkit, but leaves open the invitation to improve it. We have collaborated with the Jisc steering group, RDM practitioners, UX experts, developers and more to build what we believe is a very useful resource for the research community. How we […]
Research Data: What to keep?

In this post, Neil Jacobs (Jisc’s head of open science and research lifecycle) outlines a small project that is just started, to take further steps in addressing the difficult challenge of deciding what research data should be kept. Jisc is working to develop shared infrastructure, influence policy and provide guidance to support institutions with the […]

…Or how can RDSS bring more value? The update and demo on the Jisc research data shared service (RDSS) last week attracted interest from more than 30 UK HEIs, a handful of overseas universities, plus many UK and overseas based associated organisations (including advocacy groups, funders and suppliers). If you didn’t manage to attend, the […]